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This One Organ Impacts Fertility

What’s your largest organ, after your skin?

Your workaholic liver who doesn’t quit, but may get a little sloppy with her assignments when the work piles up. Keep reading.

The liver is in charge of more than a dozen specific (and important) jobs to keep you alive, safe + healthy. One of its major roles is balancing hormones. But!

The liver can’t balance your hormones if it’s spending all of it’s time trying to process shitty excuses for food (a.k.a. processed food) or removing harmful toxins from your body (no thanks to the parabens, phthalates or worse) that in your personal care products.

You see, the liver processes everything that goes into your body - whether you eat it, drink it, inhale or absorb it through the skin, it has to go through the liver. It's where all that stuff gets filtered and either thrown out, redirected, stored or converted into something useful.

The liver's role in balancing hormones and getting rid of excess hormones is just one more reason to give your liver some love.

For fertility to work the way you want,

hormones have to work the way you want

and your liver holds the power.

Eliminate “added sugar” to improve liver health - to balance hormones.

Your Liver Can improve your Fertility by Avoiding…

  • Saturated Fats - especially trans fats (a.k.a. processed foods)

  • Added Sugar

  • Non-organic Fruits + Veggies - pesticides are an extra burden

  • Non-organic Dairy + Meat - growth hormones cause mastitis. This puts pus + bacteria into the milk products. To treat the infection, farmers use antibiotics and steroids that we ingest.

  • Alcohol - limit to three or less drinks a week when you’re ready to start to conceive + stick to organic or biodynamic red wine for the phytonutrient resveratrol - it has antioxidant + anti-inflammatory properties + can help prevent insulin resistance.

These simple tips are straight-forward but require a little bit of planning. Pick just one at a time, maybe your top offender and work your way through the list.

Ready to get your hormones in control for fertility?

Let’s Prime for Pregnancy!