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The Real MUST-DO Bucket List Before Motherhood

Let's face it, we all know there are limitations (as well as amazing rewards) once you become someone's "ma-ma". Don't skip any of these 8 must-do's before you enter motherhood, trust! 

So, what are the things we should all check off the list before this all goes down? 

1. Create Your (After) Birth Plan. Forget the birth plan! (I know what you're thinking, "What?! No! I need my birth plan! It's all that I have!") Let's get real for a minute. Who knows what'll end up going down in the delivery room? You may say "oh, natural birth only, please" and walk out 4 days later after an unplanned c-section. So, let's focus on the things we actually have control over; our care and support plan after baby. 

2. Discover & Master a Self-Care Ritual. Why? Because sh*ts about to get real and self-care is the first area of your life to suffer. How are you going to manage being sleep deprived, depleted from the inside out, and having to care for a little one? Not to freak you out, but if you haven't already had this thought, it's time to focus on what's going to make you a calmer, happier person when sh*t hits the fan. Maybe it's meditating, grounding, or priming? Want to know more mind-body techniques to combat the stresses of motherhood so you can actually enjoy the days ahead?  

3. Go to the movies! Trust me, the movies become a distant memory for some time after childbirth because there's the pumping, feeding, lack of sleep and then the high cost to leave the house for 2-3 hours (child care). As someone who's not a huge movie-buff this has recently become a fantasy that I long for.  

4. Take a trip! Soak up hassle-free exploration & adventure. It's not easy hiking Yosemite with a little one, or even staying in a hotel room with a pack n play. Enjoy the freedom and luxury of being on "your time". 

5. Take up a hobby. Always wanted to become certified as a chef? Learn a new language? Maybe just a fun craft project you've kept on your Pinterest board and have had no time to make it happen? Now's the time! Once you have a little one, you'll find little to no time to do the leisure activities you've been daydreaming about. Make it happen now. 

6. Detox Your Home. - Clean out the clutter. Remove the toxic chemicals. Simplify. Make your home a place to thrive for you and your future family. :) Learn more about how to easily detox your home, below. 

7. Sleep in. Often!! - Once those first few months of motherhood begin, and you're up round the clock, you'll long for the days of sleeping in and cuddling up in the morning. Take advantage now of all of that sleepy morning fun and snoozing the alarm. The wake up call of your baby is real and un-snooze-able. 

8. Have THE talk. I'm talking about expectations. How's this all going to go down? Who's waking up to get the baby? Are you going to nurse then pass baby off to your partner for burping and getting back to sleep? Is your partner going back to work soon after or taking leave? Is the family coming to stay to help support you? If you can knock this out, you'll be way ahead of the game and avoid major tension and potential fights when baby arrives. 

What else?! Think of anything else you plan to do before motherhood? Maybe you're already deep into parenting and you've got some advice for other new moms? Leave a comment below! 

xo, L