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Preventing Breast Cancer By Doing This Daily!

October is synonymous with breast cancer awareness and it’s not just about early detection. There’s much to be done about prevention all together.

Check this out!

The breast is divided into seven regions: four quadrants, a central region, a nipple area, and an axillary (or armpit) region.

(*Read more on this in one of my favorite books, Slow Death By Rubber Duck)

So if breast cancer grew equally across all areas of the breast, we’d expect to see less than 20% of cancer originating in each of those regions.

But, we don’t!

50-60% of breast cancers start in the upper outer quadrant of the breast (the armpit).

So what are we doing to our armpits specifically to increase our risk of cancer?

Applying personal care products; deodorants + antiperspirants.

What’s in these products linking to cancer?

Parabens are used as a preservative in both antiperspirants + deodorants. 95% of the American population have parabens in their body as they’re added to countless other products like foods, pharmaceuticals + beauty products.

When they’re applied directly to the skin (by way of deodorants) the parabens bypass the liver (where they’d normally be broken down) and remain completely intact! This can cause painful cysts, cancer or even unwanted breast growth by mimicking estrogen in the body causing hormonal imbalances.

Aluminum is a common component of antiperspirants because it helps keep swear off the wearer’s skin by blocking sweat ducts.

Our skin is our largest detoxifying organ that requires sweat to release toxins and to keep us healthy. We need to sweat to release/detox harmful toxins.

Like parabens, aluminum levels are highest in the part of the breast near the armpit - also where a disproportionate amount of painful breast cysts are found - and that aluminum levels are higher in the fluid of the breast cysts than in other parts of the body. Pretty convincing stuff! - Slow Death by Rubber Duck

Quick Tip to reduce your aluminum + toxin levels in your armpits today: Charcoal soap! I personally love this one and suggest using it daily if you’re transitioning away from toxic products. You can cut it up into small bars too. The charcoal soap is a great way to prep your body for the swap to a healthier deo without aluminum making it an easier (less stinky) transition. This will cut down on your time of potentially adjusting (smelling a little different/stinky). It’s not a guarantee you’ll have a transition at all, but I certainly did! 😳

So you know I wouldn’t just tell you to toss your trusty toxic deodorant without giving you a healthier solution, so here are my top 3!

Safer deodorants (paraben + aluminum FREE):

  1. Primally Pure - I love the scents + roller. The first cleaner deo I tried that didn’t require weeks of “getting used to it”. (use code: WELLTHIER10)

  2. Beautycounter has been perfecting their clean deo for 5+ years and it will be launching January 2021! Check out the details here. I love how it glides on, the scents are so clean and refreshing + the best part - the containers are refillable! So, while the first purchase may feel pricey you can feel confident in reducing your environmental footprint by choosing a sustainable package.

  3. Arm & Hammer - my husband swears by this cleaner aluminum-free deodorant, and I’m pretty sure its under $3 annnnd it does smell pretty darn good!

PLEASE Share this post with your loved ones, man or woman. We are all applying potentially harmful personal care products directly to our skin.