
You’re not alone. Not even a little bit.

Let’s Talk Goals!

According to U.S. News & World Report, the failure rate for New Year's resolutions is said to be about 80 percent, and most lose their resolve by mid-February. 

Harvard Business study revealed:

  • 83% of the population does not have goals

  • 14% have a plan in mind, but are unwritten goals

  • 3% have goals written down

The 14% who have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals.

The 3% with written goals are 3 times more successful than the 14% with unwritten goals. 

The majority of people aren’t living their dream life simply because they haven’t even written down, much less thought about a plan.

Don't be a statistic.


The fact is anxiety & depression - along with adding a completely new responsibility into your life (ahem, you know a human) is kinda scary and can do some major damage to your wellbeing. 

With some short-term support, you’ll have long-term real results that’ll not only keep you afloat, but’ll ensure you’ll enjoy the ride & start thriving! Yeah Mama! 


Let’s talk Chronic Illness…

Generally incurable and ongoing, chronic diseases affect approximately 133 million Americans, representing more than 40% of the total population of this country. By 2020, that number is projected to grow to an estimated 157 million, with 81 million having multiple conditions.

About half of all adults have a chronic condition, and approximately 8 percent of children ages 5 to 17 were reported by their parents to have limited activities due to at least one chronic disease or disability. More and more people are living with not just one chronic illness, such as diabetes, heart disease or depression, but with two or more conditions. Almost a third of the population is now living with multiple chronic conditions. In 2009, 7 out of 10 deaths in the U.S. are due to chronic diseases. Heart disease, cancer and stroke account for more than half of all deaths each year. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, people with chronic conditions receive only 56% of recommended preventive health care services.


More than 35% of women not returning to their same company after maternity leave, most often noted by women saying, "didn't feel supported in the role" and mentioned that they “didn't feel valued enough due to lack of resources and support” during their prenatal stage.


Moving on to health care:

Just to get an idea of our broken health system for women - especially moms, these are the latest stats.

Every year, more than 400,000 infants are born to mothers who are depressed, which makes perinatal depression the most under-diagnosed obstetric complication in America.

Depression is very common in women, especially in women of reproductive age. It’s estimated that 14%-23% of pregnant women experience depression during pregnancy, and up to 25% experience depression postpartum. 

according to Google Trends data, in 2018, “am i ready to have a baby” was the most searched “am i ready to” question people had in the United States. And the questions about parenting — from the tactical to the personal — didn’t stop there.

“how to help my baby sleep”

… and other variations (like “how to soothe my baby” and “how to sleep train”) peak each night around 1 am PST. At the end of the day, when parents just might be out of patience or just feeling introspective, they look for solutions. And it turns out that, in the United States, people who are searching for “sleep training” are also searching for insomnia and… um, puppies? Yep. Puppies.

“how to raise a…”

Happy child. A wild child. A confident child. Every parent wants to know how to help their child be the best they can be, so it’s no surprise that, in 2018, “how to raise a happy child” was the top searched “how to raise a ___ child” people asked in the United States.

“monthly milestones”

In countries all around the world, the most commonly searched topic related to babies is “month” (monthly milestones). Parents want to know if their kids are on track – with the top searched milestones being 6 months, 3 years, 2 years, and 4 months, worldwide. And of those baby milestones, people are searching most to understand when their baby will talk, the language milestone.

“for kids”

And all across the US, “climate change for kids” is being asked about more now than ever before – with New Yorkers searching for it most.