three ways I can support you

Welcome to wellthier: Modern Health + Wellness solutions Designed with you in mind.

“Taking A functional medicine approach, I start where you are. Together, we take a look at each foundational pillar of your life through the wellthier wellness wheel to determine exactly where you want to go, and how you’ll get there.”

- Laura, Founder + Coach

Home + Body Detox Services:

Did you know 6 in 10 Americans suffer from at least one chronic illness.

85% of those illnesses are explained by other factors than genetics, meaning environmental + lifestyle.

We’re in our homes more than ever - is your home detoxed + working to help heal + support your brain + body function?


Detoxifying your home has been proven to…

eliminate autoimmune troubles + chronic illnesses, increase fertility, reduce stress, improve sleep + create a safer ‘sanctuary’ for you to thrive.

let the Toxins out. breathe new life into your healthy home so you can heal.

*Highly encouraged if you’re experiencing autoimmune or fertility issues, you’re pregnant, or have a little one + small animals in the home.

VIRTUAL Courses + Workshops:

empowering you with the tools and resources to kick-butt all day everyday is the name of the game.

specializing in helping you not just “get By”, but thrive in each segment of life.

Get ready to focus on the MIND, BODY, SOUL + HOME in wellthier workshops.



Personalized Health + well-Being Coaching

Chances are…

there’s something going on in your life that you’re just not satisfied with. Click for Details.

Grab Your complementary Consultation call!

20 minutes, Free.

we’ll determine just how I may be able to best help.

Once you submit your info I’ll be in touch within 48 business hours to confirm our chat. Click the button below to get started.

wellthier Exists to…

empower you with the tools + resources to Thrive all day ERRday so you can get exactly what you want + NEed outTa this amazing life.


Wellthier was born because we all have so much to Be, Do, experience, Create, Give, Love … but how can we live out our dreams if we aren’t feeling our best?

So, Wellthier makes it easier for you to get where you want to go by focusing on You as a whole and applying holistic Science-backed solutions.

Looking for something else you didn’t see above?

Email me. Let’s see if I can help you get what you need. I have a whole network of awesome professionals across the country & across the pond. Please expect a response within 48 business hours from delivery. You can connect anytime, here: