Digital Course + Guidebook


Digital Course + Guidebook

from $199.99

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Freaked about your fertility?

Know exactly what you have control over in your lifestyle that impacts fertility, solutions for stress, sleep, mind-body techniques + loads more. We’ll ditch the hidden toxins, know what foods are actually fertility foods (and which foods to avoid). You’re about to be primed!

You’re a click away from knowing how to get pregnant faster, healthier + in turn create a healthier baby, because it’s not just about getting pregnant - it’s about setting the generation up for optimal health!

Be ready on your own timeline without the expense, pain, and worry of high-tech fertility treatments. This is an alternative to IVF and also the perfect complement if you’re already seeking fertility treatment. Learn how to optimize your egg health and how to get your body baby-friendly before you conceive. Learn what doctors aren’t telling you.

With Prime For Pregnancy in your back pocket, you’ll have exactly what you need to give yourself the very best chance for a healthy pregnancy.

With done-for-you templates, action sheets, cheat sheets, tips, habit trackers + resources list you’ll be totally primed for pregnancy!

Digital Course + Guidebook Only. (USD $249.99)

*Due to the nature of this being a digital product, there are no refunds.

Prime For Pregnancy:
Make It Happen