Don't Touch That!

As July comes to a close, I’ve been buried in research papers, books, and my own notes for the past few weeks preparing for the upcoming virtual course launch!

I couldn’t be more freakin excited to be able to connect with you - in your home (virtually of course) empowering you with the resources + tools to take control over your immunity + remove those hidden toxins from your body + home. It’s gonna be freakin awesome!! 💃🏻

We can’t control viruses, bacteria, infections… but we can control the host, our body, and how we react to it.

As I’m cross-referencing all material to confirm you’re getting the most up-to-date science-backed info, I’ve come across many studies and while many struck a nerve, this seemed too timely not to share today.

With COVID, we’ve all become increasingly aware of the surfaces we touch and if in fact they’re contaminated or safe, so the one item we touch daily without a thought… is actually quite toxic.

I’ve known this for years - and even advised a dear friend who was going through IVF to stop touching receipts.

Here’s why…

BPA - you know the stuff we all found out about that was in baby bottles and our water bottles a few years back? With the people’s voices loudly demanding change, companies were forced to remove the cancer causing toxin, BPA from bottles. Success, right??

Not so fast - those same companies that removed BPA did so only to replace it with BPS (yet another toxic chemical). So, it’s basically a game of “wack-a-mole”, but way less fun.

BPA didn’t go away from our lives completely - in fact, BPA is found in very high concentration on thermal printing paper. (You know, receipts.)  

Think about how many receipts you’ve innocently snagged over your lifetime from the grocery store clerk, off the table after a meal, on a business trip to log in your expenses… well, all of those receipts directly rub off on your fingers where BPA is then absorbed into your skin and into your blood.

BPA absorbs even quicker when your finger tips or the paper is wet!

It’s not just receipts - its movie tickets, transit tickets + parking tickets. It’s everywhere!

Why don’t you wanna touch that (BPA)? 

“BPA exposure drives things like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and neurobehavioral problems”. There is evidence that BPA in people cause death of fetuses during in vitro fertilization (IVF). “The higher a woman’s level of BPA during the in vitro fertilization, the lower the probability of her producing a live baby”.*

BPA exposure results in the ovary producing less estrogen. 

The authors, Rick Smith + Bruce Lourie of the book Slow Death by Rubber Duck physically poisoned themselves for over a decade just to provide the most comprehensive look at how the toxicity of everyday life affects our health. They conducted a controlled experiment about BPA exposure and in the process found a trick to avoiding touching receipts when you do need to keep it for your records. Rather than using “sleeve gloves”, opt to bring an envelop with you. Simply open it up when the cashier holds it out for you to snag and they’ll place it right in there for you. 

But is that really solving the problem or is it just a band-aide approach? 

How do we get BPA/BPS outta here for good, without adding a new toxin in its place? We have to continue to demand change. As you make your personal positive changes, vote with your dollar. Make informed safer + healthier choices for you and your family. 

Get support in making healthier switches to safer products!

Get informed about the hidden toxins in your home and personal care products. Wanna make your home a safe sanctuary for you + your family to thrive? Enroll for the virtual class of a lifetime! First 50 to enroll get 50% off!

You have nothing to lose + your optimal health to gain!

Thank you for joining me today - please share with someone you love.

With gratitude + lots of love,
