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Lollipops, Rabbits + Baby-making. A new way to look at sugar.

Before you read the next line, you need to know... I love a warm often overpriced flakey chocolate croissant.

Trust me it will all make sense by the end of this email.

"When female pregnant rabbits were fed sucralose (artificial sugar), they spontaneously aborted their fetuses. Additional research shows that sucralose passes through the placenta and may contribute to birth defects in newborns." *

(This stuck with me thanks to the *Brighten Baby book.)

Flash-forward to last Friday. While pridefully holding Drew steady for his height measurements at his four month check-up, I overheard a pediatrician request the receptionist to "give'em a lollipop". As the teary-eyed toddler rubbed his arm he politely requested a pink Dum Dum...

My brain went berserk (Love that word. Berserk).


Here we all are. During a pandemic. Wearing masks. Doing our part.

At the doctor's office (of all places).

With scientific proof that the more inflamed we are, the more at risk we are for all types of illnesses. (important to note, inflammation is largely caused + worsened by sugar).

Meaning the more inflammation in our bodies, the sicker and weaker we are, making us targets for viruses, diseases, etc.

And right in front of me... a doctor is unknowingly (I hope) "prescribing" the very thing that causes diseases to his patient.

(Although should we be surprised? If you've ever spent a night in the hospital you know the food isn't there to heal you.)

Not to mention, "soothing" a toddler with artificial ingredients + sugar??
#UnhealthyEmotionalEatingHabit #SugarAddiction

(palm to head)

I can't shut down the sugar factory (I imagine it like Sweetums) but I can shed light on what it's doing to us (me included). 🥐

Sugar weakens and ultimately destroys our...

  • skin (hellllo wrinkles),

  • immunity,

  • metabolism (oh, hey weight gain),

  • mental stability + mood, causing mood swings, anxiety + more,

  • fertility (in men + women),

  • brain health + function... is there anything even left?!

Remember those bunnies spontaneously aborting their fetuses?

Food chemists designed sucralose so that it would NOT break down in the body. With the idea being that people would experience the taste of sweet without digesting the chemical.

Welp...they fell short (way short!!) in this quest because sucralose does in fact break down to chlorine in the body making it chemically related to the banned pesticide DDT.* 

With 60+ nicknames for sugar it can be tricky to detect on your food labels.

Make sure you're a wellthier insider to get the FREE sugar cheatsheet.

About those Dum Dums...Here are the "ingredients". Not one of them is actually food. 

You may notice the Ingredients include: Sugar, Corn Syrup, Artifical Flavor, Color - Red 40, Yellow 6, Yellow 5, Blue 1. All are extremely harmful to our health.

Looking to ditch sugar to prime your body for pregnancy (or know someone who is)?


Step 1: Pay attention to "added sugar" on your labels. Limit it as much as you can.

Step 2: Stay away from HFCS (thats High-Fructose Corn Syrup) or anything with Syrup, Corn, Fructose in it. 

Know someone else who could benefit from this week's Wellthier Wednesday? 

Step 3: Forward this to a friend! 

Step 4: Download the FREE done-for-you one pager for all of sugar's aliases. 

With gratitude + so much hope,

*Brighten Baby