It's Like Going to the Bathroom and NOT wiping 😳

Yes, this is what my dental hygienist said after I begged her to scare me straight into flossing more.

When she said, "not flossing is like going to the bathroom and not wiping"... that was the harsh visual I needed to begin habit training now.

If you're not a religious flosser maybe that had an impact on you, too?? (Let me know)

For those of you who reached out after last week's post, thank you. I'm 100% back to optimal health this week both mentally + physically. My "operation: get healthy" plan really works!

In honor of Earth Day later this month, I wanted to spend more than just a day on our amazing planet + take time the entire month of April to shed light on companies doing big things so you can support them to make a bigger impact on our planet's well-being that in turn helps our personal well-being. 

In 1970, 20 million Americans demonstrated in different US cities to force important issues on the national agenda, because at the time there was no EPA, no Clean Air Act and no Clean Water Act. Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day! 


For me, sometimes it feels a bit overwhelming when I think about the crisis our planet is in, but as we all know, one simple, easy + effective action item we can do every day is mindfully voting smarter with our dollar. 

Supporting planet- conscious companies (B-Corps) is a great place to start.

Mission-driven companies are popping up on the regular, thankfully, but one long-standing trailblazer (you’ve probably heard me mention by now) is my first company crush. 

Beautycounter - the leader of clean beauty for eight years! 

Beautycounter’s mission to reform personal care has already pushed THREE new acts that are protecting us all from harmful chemicals, but beyond their progress with Congress, how they are executing on creating safer more responsible products is even more impressive.

While combating plastic pollution, they’ve swapped from plastic to glass, avoiding 235,000 plastic tubes just in 2020.

They’ve created the first refillable deodorant (that actually works + is clean - meaning no aluminum). No more plastic one-time deodorant containers. (Score!)

By 2025, 100% of the packaging will be recyclable, recycled, refillable or compostable! And that’s not all… by 2030 they will achieve carbon neutrality!! 


So, the next time you're looking for safer sunscreen, body care products, makeup, hand soap, deodorant... think before you purchase.

Is that product made responsibly and sustainably? Is this product safer + healthier for your own personal well-being?

To shop safer for you and the planet shop Beautycounter. And with this link save 20% off (for all new clients).

With gratitude + love,
