Life Hack: Fire Your Doctor (Here's Why)
Yes, that’s right. Your doctor works for you, remember?
Although their white lab coats and waiting rooms can create an authoritarian barrier where we become submissive - agreeing with what they say, even thanking them when they keep us waiting in an uncomfortably cold room with paper thin walls is sorta nutty. AmIright?
You are the boss of your body.
(say it out loud. “I am the boss of my own body!”)
You hire + fire as you please.
You’re ultimately hiring a team to advocate, support + advise you on how to keep yourself in optimal condition (from your general practitioner, your OB/GYN, even your dentist - they all work for you).
Does your doctor or team of doctors do this for you? Do they make you feel heard, cared for holistically, listening and asking loads of questions about your lifestyle?
You’re the damn CEO of your being - don’t let them make you feel otherwise.
Fire Your Doctor If They Say This
If your medical team does not know or share with you - that YOU have the power to improve your situation, naturally, fire them.
If they aren’t providing actionable “prescriptive” solutions that don’t involve you or your insurance being billed, Fire. Them.
I’m not suggesting you might not benefit or even require prescriptions or high-tech treatments, I’m saying that YOU do have the power to improve your health situation - no matter what it is.
Bold - I know.
I give a specific example of fertility (below) - but this advice of firing all medical professionals that don’t have a holistic approach to improving your quality of life and condition goes for any person, with any health status.
I bring this up because I’ve spoken to over a dozen women, just this week, who’ve embarked on the long road of high-tech fertility treatments.
See, I’m fortunate enough to get to speak to all 12 of these amazing women - some just have their first fertility appointment, while others are bravely entering their sixth and seventh round of IVF, as I wrap up Prime for Pregnancy. #fertilityhacks
They’re providing invaluable knowledge + perspective as to what they wished they had known, or done (or not done) and so much more.
Each women admitted that their doctors (OB/GYNs + fertility specialists) never did more than hint to “eat healthier” or “start exercising”.
Several mentioning their doctor never spoke a word of how they may be able to help their own situation. One woman shared that her fertility specialist dismissed her saying, “Don’t bother. IVF is a powerful enough tool to get you pregnant”.
Can you relate to this?
Yes- IVF is powerful (risky + expensive). Its freakin’ genius and a savior to loads of families who depend(ed) on IVF to grow their family. Thank goodness for this incredible technology.
Why not give yourself the best chance of a healthy baby by doing your part to improve fertility factors you have control over?
The only one who benefits from you not having the highest quality egg + sperm is the fertility clinic who’s already planning to book you for your next fertility treatment.
Sad Truth: It’s very (very) unlikely a fertility doctor will ever suggest you improve your fertility before they begin to charge you for high-tech fertility treatments because - it’s misaligned incentives - what if you got pregnant without their services? (gasp.) They wouldn’t make money.
Many women, just like the ones I’ve mentioned above, are told there is little they can do to improve their egg quality, but….
Holy shit people! It’s 2021 and let me tell you - there’s soooo much you can do to improve your egg quality BEFORE or even DURING fertility treatments.
P.S. - Many fertility hacks to boost fertility naturally cost little to no money at all. Can I get an Amen!
Bottomline, if your doctor isn’t giving you progressive holistic advice or resources, if they aren’t giving you a plan for getting toxins out and high-quality fuel + energy in, fire them.
They haven’t caught up to the times - and while it was maybe okay 10 years ago to say “It’s not their fault. They weren’t taught that in medical school”… it’s irresponsible and lazy of doctors to not stay up-to-date with exactly how lifestyle choices impact fertility + overall well-being.
Mic drop. (Too much?)
Before you feel utterly hopeless with a shit medical team, know this - there are several better options.
Here’s the Medical Team to Look For…
Highly qualified Functional Medicine Practitioners, with years of traditional medical training as well as additional years on holistic healthcare (sleep, stress, nutrition, movement, etc.)
DOs (Doctor of Osteopathy) who have a few hundred more hours in holistic health than traditional OB/GYNs, or general practitioners.
Board Certified Health Coaches who’re certified in Functional Medicine that can act as the bridge to fill in the missing information a traditional doctor doesn’t have or as a compliment to holistic practitioners mentioned above.
When it comes to fertility - on top of your OB/GYN, there’s loads of books, infertility blogs + fertility and infertility FB groups, unsolicited friend + family advice, and sooo much more on the Interweb - but the thing is…
You want science-backed, no-B.S. real solutions that get results.
You don’t have the time to sift through it all and create a plan - you want the plan given to you with the strategy for how you’re gonna make it happen.
You want someone who’s done all the research + testing for you - who’s not too clinical in explanation to share the gold-nuggets.
No fluff.
Easy to put into action.
If you’re shaking your head Yas!, head over to Prime for Pregnancy to get started with your Free 14-page guide to demystify fertility and get real results.