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Not-So-Secret Solution To Get Pregnant Faster

Ready for the “not-so-secret sauce” to get pregnant faster?

Answer: Take care of your mind + body as if you’re already pregnant.

That’s it. The not-so-secret solution to getting pregnant and delivering the healthiest baby your body is able to create from scratch is to live as if.

The nine months BEFORE you’re pregnant are more important to your fertility and your baby’s well-being that you might know.

Wanting a healthy baby is a primal urge which is why most have the willpower to live a healthier lifestyle while pregnant to keep the baby alive - think about the willpower to avoid ahi tuna, deli meat, caffeine, alcohol. Right? It’s actually significantly easier to do when pregnant because your body and brain are signaling these items as “poison” as a threat to harming your baby.

But, it’s not as easy for most when you’re considering getting pregnant or starting to TTC. The key is to act as if you are pregnant. Remember your parents telling you “fake it til you make it”?

You can begin to detox your mind + body from potentially harmful personal care products, water sources, food sources, emotional stressors and environmental toxins. By doing this ahead of time, you’re cleaning out any harmful intruders, making your body baby-friendly, getting your mind right, and improving your egg quality.

For more tips on specifics to eliminate and more importantly how to live this new path easily, join me here.

Your health affects the likelihood of a full-term pregnancy and a healthy baby, but there’s little that can be done once you are pregnant so take the time to prime for pregnancy and give yourself the very best chance opportunity for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

Have questions? Meet me here!

With gratitude,
