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How To: Support Friends Living with Infertility

Infertility is seriously sensitive for anyone going through it.

There’s nothing you can say that’ll change someone’s fertility status, but as a friend, family member, colleague or new acquaintance you may feel the urge to show support (that’s great), give them cliche motivational quotes (less great), or try to give real advice for how they can get pregnant (please don’t).

Think back to what you may’ve said to a buddy going through fertility treatments, or struggling with any diagnosis. Could you have been more sensitive to what they needed to hear vs. what you thought they wanted to hear? What was your knee-jerk response?

After being asked by you (and anyone else), who’s kind enough to spread the word about Prime for Pregnancy, “How do I share info on such a sensitive topic?”, I’ve turned to the pros…

My IVF warrior mamas who’ve heard it all along their journey to motherhood like, “I bet when you stop trying it will happen”, “at least you have time to yourself to do what you want, right?” and “you’re not a mom, you wouldn’t like this show” (yes - referring to Workin Moms on Netflix), shared with me exactly what they would’ve wanted to hear if a friend was offering fertility support + info on a solution like Prime for Pregnancy.

What to Say To Someone Who’s Living with Infertility

(When you wanna offer a solution like Prime for Pregnancy)

“Hey, I know this is a sensitive topic, but I saw something fertility related and think it could bring some comfort and support to you. My [insert what works for you (friend or this health coach I follow)], Laura helps women trying to conceive get their minds + bodies in optimal health to support a healthy pregnancy. She specifically assists women who are experiencing infertility. I thought I’d pass this along in case she might be helpful for you. Here's the link to her site if you're at all interested (wellthier.com). Also, her direct email is Laura@wellthier.com if you wanna connect with her.”

Another option my trusted mamas agreed on…

”I thought of you this week. [My friend, A girl I follow or A health educator I respect], Laura helps women by "priming” them for pregnancy to show you how to make impactful changes to improve your fertility. She’s got helpful content about [their specific concern]. I follow her because its just good information to know for my overall well-being too - but I thought you may find it helpful. It’s called Prime for Pregnancy (wellthier.com). Her email is Laura@wellthier.com if you wanna connect with her.”

Now you’ve got some confirmed sensitive + thoughtful options to help your friends, without worrying you’re saying the wrong thing.

Support + love on your friends who are trying to conceive. It can be a lonely time and your thoughtful words of support and love could be just what they need today.

NOTE: You can literally copy/paste either of these examples, but be sure to change what’s in the brackets (duh).