Girls’ Getaway (Travel and Life) Hacks

Summer is in full swing, which means more opportunity for fun travel.

(oh - annnnnd the world is opening up again, so that helps.)

I recently wrote a piece, Top 6 Girls’ Getaway Hacks That Won’t Leave You Haggard, for the up-and-coming wellness travel solution, Vacayou. I want to share the best takeaways because it’s time to travel + not feel haggard. You can peep the full read here.


The best tips to ensure you’re rejuvenated without sparing any fun:

Tip #1: Ditch the alarm clocks.

Don’t over-schedule yourself. Let your body get the sleep it needs (and keep the room as dark as possible), and let yourself wake up naturally. 

Tip #2: Don’t toss in the towel when it comes to snacks and mealtime.

Include healthy fats like avocados, nuts, coconut and almonds. Fresh produce is a great pool-side snack that will help keep you hydrated and combat unhealthy foods with its antioxidants. 

Tip #3: Swap traditional wine for that good stuff.

I’m talking about biodynamic wines - you know, places that grow grapes where there’s worms in the ground and healthy soil.

My favorite is a Sangiovese from Beckman Winery.

It turns out the harmful toxins from traditional grapes leave you with purple teeth + a headache or hangover, so make the change to a more responsibly sourced option. I would have never believed this had I not made the switch myself. Biodynamic wines = no purple teeth or hangovers. Score!

Tip #3 (part II). Speaking of drinking…Space your last drink out two hours (or more) from bedtime.

This will ensure your sleep is restorative + not interrupted (bad dreams, night sweats, early rising and other alcohol-induced sleep issues).  Again, keep the room dark to maximize your restorative sleep. 

Tip #4: Explore, walk, play, dance or any other fun ways to get moving.

Don’t stay idle for too long on your girls’ getaway (unless it’s spa time). This is why a vacation package is perfect during a girls’ getaway – there can be a good mix of relaxation + activity. (Vacayou has some brilliant package options!)

Tip #5: Shade yourself.

Of course, get all the vitamin D you can, but if you’re gonna sit pool-side all day long, be sure to shade yourself for the few hottest hours mid-day when the sun is most brutal on your skin. Opt for early morning sun to protect your skin and reset your circadian rhythm for the day.

Tip #6: Hydrate.

It could be snacking on veggies and fruit or just sticking to good ol’ fashioned water.  Just be sure to get enough water to combat the sun, alcohol and activities during the day to take care of your body. You could even sneak water into your cocktails.  

These simple travel hacks will leave you looking + feeling rejuvenated after your girls’ getaway weekend without compromising any of the fun.

Bon, voyage!