How to Get Pregnant with PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

What does it mean? There’s simply no egg being released, which means there’s no option to get pregnant (yet). PCOS accounts for about 15% of infertility cases, making it one of the most common sources of infertility. About 10% of women have PCOS, but it’s not a static condition. You can prime your body to eliminate PCOS.

PCOS Symptoms

Some women believe they are in fact ovulating on schedule based on elevated LH, but it’s not entirely accurate. Some women with PCOS do ovulate but it’s later in their cycle, so the egg quality isn’t ideal causing an elevated risk of miscarriage.

Often women with PCOS experience no symptoms, but it’s common to experience the following PCOS symptoms: irregular periods, unwanted hair (face, abdomen or chest) + weight gain. Nearly half of (PCOS diagnosed) women are obese, normally with extra weight in the mid-section.

“The cysts on the ovaries are considered a result of stagnation caused by poor fluid metabolism. As with other stagnations, this can impede ovulation and cause a long follicular phase, or prevent ovulation entirely.”

How to Heal PCOS

There are several proven methods for correcting PCOS. Here’s a list of suggestions from the well-written book, making babies, to best help yourself before you go the route of alternative fertility treatments.

  • Accupuncture can be used with or instead of drugs for ovulation induction. Acupuncturist + Herbalists can work wonders at restoring ovulation. Studies in the EU show that up to one third of women with PCOS treated with acupuncture began to ovulate again. Accupuncture balances hormones, including LH, FSH, and testosterone, allowing for regular ovulation.

  • If needed, lose some weight. Losing up to 10% of body weight can result in normal ovulation in women with PCOS.

  • Cut down on the animal fats + increase fatty acids.

  • Balance your blood sugar by limiting carbs - don’t cut down on them completely because they are needed. Just be mindful about including a wide range of fruits, veggies and healthy protein like fish, organic chicken, beans, or grass-fed beef on occasion.

  • Get plenty of antioxidants from foods + supplements to fight inflammation which exacerbates PCOS.

  • Get regular movement to increase metabolism. A brisk walk is a good idea.

  • Practice stress transformation techniques.

  • Allow time to heal (up to three months of treatment before trying to conceive to avoid miscarriage).

PCOS is not something to feel defeated by or a reason to jump to alternative fertility treatments. It’s always best to consult with your doctor first, but I hope this list is encouraging and helps provide insight. By priming for pregnancy, you can get every cell in your body working towards your goal of a healthy family.

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