Welcome mama-to-be! 

Whether you've started exploring fertility options or you're already in your first, second or third trimester, this is your home! 


It's a mind-blowing wonder how we can physically transform from the you you've always known to a bad-ass 'super-hero' growing a tiny little person inside of you...all with just one little pee stick's result reading, "PREGNANT"! Now what?! 

As with all super-heroes, you'll realize that you have an entirely new identity ("mom") to tackle and your life and body will feel so foreign. These changes often negatively affect even the most bad-ass of all bad-asses mentally, emotionally, in relationships, and in overall well-being without you even realizing the impact (thanks hormones) to your life or those in your life. Pregnancy and motherhood stirs gratitude, love and so much to look forward to as a family within us all, but it also often stirs unexplainable anxiety, stress, and a weakened immune system causing us to feel out of sorts and unable to enjoy this momentous time. It's totally normal to feel all of this, but it’s certainly not a mandatory sentencing or what can feel like a hazing into motherhood. There's a solution to avoid it completely.  That’s why I’m here as your guide and coach through your most important transition.

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We all need support through our most challenging seasons in life in order to enjoy this one precious life. After all, if we could all do everything on our own, we would've done it already. Right? 

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"Laura just kept it simple for me, which is what I needed! I had so much advice, "what to expect" books, and google searches swirling in my brain 24/7 on top of just trying to figure out what to stay away from [food, chemicals, products...] I was overwhelmed to say the least. I knew the added stress wasn't good for me and especially not my growing baby. She helped me accomplish my goals during some of the toughest months of my life. I'm so grateful."

So, if you're ready for your Prenatal Coaching Sessions & want to feel your best during this once in a lifetime experience, I can help. 


Let’s start here (check all that apply): I’m here because I want to:

  • know how my lifestyle choices impact baby & me during pregnancy,

  • feel more energetic all day (a.k.a. not pass out every time I sit on the couch)

  • sleep through the night (comfortably & consistently),

  • de-stress & get rid of this anxiety,

  • stop getting sick & build my immunity,

  • cultivate more joy in my life for the baby and my wellbeing,

  • just feel my best and enjoy this stage of life,

  • detox my home so my family is healthy right from the start,

  • prepare for pregnancy, delivery & postpartum,

  • prepare easy healthy meals that are quick & easy, or

  • feel confident about knowing the right exercises and ways to move while pregnant.

Good news! There's no wrong answer. If any or all of the above apply, you’re in the right place.

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Whenever you'd like the coach hat to come off during our time together, I have expertise in prenatal nutrition, stress transformation techniques, and mind-body medicine approaches that can be beneficial for creating your optimal prenatal experience. I tailor all tools and techniques to your lifestyle. 

Together, we'll uncover your personal goals, create your action plan, and get to work.  Yes, work. This isn't always going to be easy, but I promise it's going to be worth it! 


Family Starts with You.

What we, as mother's chose to put on our skin, in our bodies and subject ourselves to environmentally and emotionally has a magnified effect not just on our own life, but now on that little life inside of us. Learn more about how to create the ideal home for you and your little growing baby-to-be.