
A Wellth of Services


First Up…

Your Free Consultation! Grab your complementary 20 minute consultation call, now.

Here we’ll determine together how I may be able to best help you on your journey. Once you submit your info (by clicking on the button below) I’ll reach out within 24 business hours to set up a time to chat.

Personalized Coaching for You:

Chances are there’s something going on at this stage in your life that you’re just not satisfied with.

Are you wondering when you’re ever going to feel “balanced” in your life? Do you wish you could design your life? Are you just accepting that you’re always going to feel tired, slightly under the weather or just pulled in a million directions? Maybe there’s something buried deep inside you’re afraid to let bubble up to the surface?

Do you want to feel your best, but you’re not sure where to start to make it happen?

Maybe you’re sitting there anxiously thinking about what you should be doing, or scared about your current situation with your health or happiness?

You know, your overall wellbeing.

I’ve been where you are and I’m here to help you get unstuck so you can start living your life the way YOU want to live it. All I have for you is love, support and proven steps to take to see results.

(Now, I know the questions above sound a little bit like ‘I Love Lucy’s Vitameatavegemin commercial’, but these are real questions my clients and I, myself have asked or contemplated and if you have too, keep reading.)

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We only get this one little chance to blow life ‘outta the freakin water’ & each day that passes - that we feel exhausted, sick or just not that awesome - is another day we miss out on.

The bottom line is that, I’ve been there. I’ve made it through the other side and I’ve helped others just like you who’ve been there too. They’ve gotten out from under the things holding them back and started enjoying life again - to the fullest. I want that for you, too.


Important: You must get clear on what you want out of your experience and what you want to achieve. And most importantly, be ready to get to work.


(don’t worry, we’ll provide a all of the tools you’ll need to get clear on your goals to maximize your experience)

There’s no one-size-fits-all, here. Our coaching sessions are customized to accommodate your goals & commitment. You’re in the driver seat to your dream destination. What’re you waiting for?

I recommend you make a commitment to yourself of at least three (3) months, so we’ll have enough time to see real progress with your goals & ensure we’ve provided you the lasting tools & resources to continue your new improved life - long after our coaching relationship ends.

You owe it to yourself to invest in YOU and this one life.


So, tell me about pricing.


Make an investment in yourself & a commitment to your wellbeing. Select a coaching package below. You’ll see significant savings PLUS get a few limited bonuses that have gotten rave reviews!

A Single Session begins at $269. Not ready for a commitment? Looking for a crash course or a tune up? This is for you.

Ready for some real improvement? Ready for a change to come? (Cue Sam Cooke) “A change is gonna come!”

Let’s dig in and make some magic happen!

3-Month Unlimited Coaching Package: $2,249 (saving you $273)

6-Month Unlimited Coaching Package: $3,539 (saving you $507)

12-Month Unlimited Coaching Package: $6,499 (saving you $975)


What’s included with your Unlimited Coaching Package?

  • Initial 90-minute Foundation Session

  • + “Story Release” (30 additional minutes)

  • One (1) coaching session per week in the first month,

  • Two (2) coaching sessions a month, after month one,

  • A personalized goals worksheet,

  • Up to three (3) personalized assessments (based on your goals),

  • A Personalized Life Map,

  • A Strengths Survey + Analysis,

  • Unlimited email w/ me directly,

  • Unlimited text messaging w/ me directly,

  • Access to tools, content & resources that fit your needs

  • A donation of two (2) coaching sessions to a mom-in-need per 3-month or more coaching sessions.

Note: The above unlimited package benefits and the donation sessions are only available for three (3), six (6), and twelve (12) month coaching packages. Not available for single coaching sessions.


But, wait… there’s more!

You’ll also get a private workshop experience as a bonus!

  • BONUS: “Design Your Life” is the workshop to transform your mindset, give you laser focus & the confidence in taking control of your life to hit each and every goal of yours! Here’s what attendees have to say about it.

“I left feeling so excited and invigorated. Laura has a really great sense about her that makes it easy to connect and share within a group… she created a safe space immediately when the group came together.  We did a few activities that put me in such a good headspace and over the last few weeks I've been really working towards a more balanced, well-designed life. If you have the chance, I would definitely recommend working with Laura!”

- Megan, Los Angeles

“I found Laura's approach to "Designing Your Life" to be both thoughtful and accessible. She provided me with an opportunity to look at many different facets of my life. I was able to look closely at each one and make an assessment. Then, based on a few visualization and writing exercises, I was able to drill down and determine the things in my life that were the most successful and the areas for which I needed to direct a bit more effort. At the end of session, I had a new practice in mind that would help me achieve more balance in my life. Through Laura's framing of this exercise, I was able to walk away with a commitment to this new practice. I'm happy to say that time has now passed since the session, and the practice has become a cherished part of my normal routine. In doing so, I feel good that I'm directing more effort towards self-care.”

- Amy, Culver City

Valued at $196!

Discover & share this Happy GIF with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.

Ready to sign up & claim your bonus workshop experience?


Here are some of the results clients have shared:

  • More control over my life - time, body, mindset, and more!

  • Knowledge & understanding of the Functional Medicine life-hacks for fertility, prenatal & postpartum stages,

  • Feeling awesome about the next stage!,

  • Gaining powerful skills (‘they don’t teach us in school’) to handle life’s stresses & anxiety,

  • Improved health,

  • Healthier, happier mindset,

  • Reduced or completely eliminated autoimmune issues,

  • Learned how to sleep through the night consistently,

  • Feeling ‘fan-freakin-tastic’, all day long with more sustained energy,

  • Less sick days, thanks better immune system!,

  • Confidence in knowing specific foods that create sensitivities,

  • Excitement about ways to increase movement,

  • Empowerment to eat better,

  • Weight loss,

  • Finally!… a toned body,

  • Better communication in relationships,

  • Increased clarity,

  • A stronger belief in self!


Who coaching is NOT for:

If you’re looking for the easy way out, this is not for you. It’s also not for you if …

  • You have a tendency to be negative, dramatic or blame outside circumstances for your situation

  • You tend to flake on commitments (hint, hint: coaching sessions)

  • You’re unwilling to make any changes

Ya’ still in?

Good. Because, there’s more!

  • BONUS: I also want you to know I’m dedicated to helping you thrive for the long-run, so I make it my priority to host a FREE follow-up coaching session with each of my coaching clients within the year of our last scheduled session. It's a free tune-up! (Value: $299)


Wanna know about other services?


Home & Body Detox Services:

It’s a “must” if you’re focused on fertility, you’re pregnant, or have little ones running around! Detoxing has been proven to improve autoimmune troubles and other chronic illnesses.

Basically, we all need an overhaul on our home & body to optimize our wellbeing and lighten our toxic-burden. We strive for you to cultivate an environment free of toxins creating a safer, healthier home for you and your family to thrive.

Each of the services below includes a 20-minute free consultation call, followed by a personalized checklist to prepare for the in-home visit.

You’ll also receive our comprehensive list of easy to swap out items in your home to make an immediate impact. (Only available for in-home visits in Los Angeles,CA or Tampa, FL)


Home Detox:

During this 60 minute in-home consultation we’ll identify the top toxic culprits in your home. We’ll review the best solutions for alternatives to provide you a cleaner, healthier home to thrive. You’ll also receive an ingredients guide of what to avoid in your home-care products.

Starting from $319

Wellthier Home Detox includes uncovering toxic culprits and replacing with healthy alternatives. Laura C. Schneider will visit your home as your detox specialist.

Wellthier Home Detox includes uncovering toxic culprits and replacing with healthy alternatives. Laura C. Schneider will visit your home as your detox specialist.


Home & Body Detox:

In this two (2) hour in-home consultation we’ll cover everything in the “Home Detox” as well as dive into your personal care items (think skin, hair, nails, etc.) We’ll discuss healthy (and easy) alternatives. You’ll receive the comprehensive list of DIY clean items as well as brands you can trust as you begin to replace current items. We’ll also conduct a health assessment ($99 value).

Starting from $549

Wellthier Home & Body Detox includes DIY and easy swap solutions for personal care products and cleaning products found in your home. Laura C. Schneider will help identify your safe and not so safe items so you can breath deep knowing everything…

Wellthier Home & Body Detox includes DIY and easy swap solutions for personal care products and cleaning products found in your home. Laura C. Schneider will help identify your safe and not so safe items so you can breath deep knowing everything in your home is safe for you and your family.


Home, Body & Pantry Detox Masterclass:

During this 4-6 hour in-home consultation we’ll uncover all of the hidden toxins in your home, your pantry and all beauty/personal care products. No stone left unturned but I do all the work for you! You’ll end the day feeling in control of your sanctuary.

We’ll conduct a basic lead test, & create 3 simple all-natural cleaning products of your choice (yours to keep). We’ll also share our comprehensive shopping list for all additional products. You’ll have the knowledge to replace all toxins in your pantry, makeup drawer & cleaning products.

You’ll also receive an easy-reference guide for ingredients to avoid in your food & beverages and best practices for avoiding toxins in every-day situations.

We’ll identify all immediate toxins to eliminate, while setting goals for next steps to manage the more challenging toxins in your home. *30-day after consult follow-up call included.

Starting from $1,199

*Highly recommended if you are focused on fertility, in the pre- or postnatal stages of life or battling chronic illness looking to thrive in a toxic-free environment for optimal health.

Wellthier Home, Body, and Pantry Detox leaves no stone left unturned. We’ll give you toxic-free pantry lists, empower you to understand labels on products and food to make safe decisions for you and your family.

Wellthier Home, Body, and Pantry Detox leaves no stone left unturned. We’ll give you toxic-free pantry lists, empower you to understand labels on products and food to make safe decisions for you and your family.

Just looking for pantry help and a shopping guide?

Email me here: with a subject line, “Pantry Makeover” to receive more information!

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Workshops & MasterClass Series:

We’re all about empowering you with the tools and resources to kick-butt all day everyday in your life. We specially focus on helping you thrive by getting what you want out of life.

We make it easy by focusing on the MIND, BODY, SOUL & HOME.

“Design Your Life” Workshop:

Available virtually or in-person. (see contact page for more info about available locations) A Min. Group of 4, Max. Group of 20. $49/person

Design Your Life!.jpg

“Kids In the Kitchen” Workshop:

Available in-person or virtually - one time per quarter. Help empower your children (3+) to prepare & snack on healthier foods so that you’ll get a break & your little ones will build healthy habits for a lifetime.

We’ll teach your children how to make tasty fun snacks that encourage nutritious eating habits by including variety, color and story telling to spark new interest and habits for healthier eating.

Minimum of group of 4 Adults/3 kids, Max. group of 6 adults/8 kids.

$45/adult, kids are free. *all food & beverages included!
