Fertility Hacks Your Doctor Isn't Telling You

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You were created from scratch. One tiny liiittle cell quickly became trillions.

Each cell is so carefully and intentionally connected to another, working together, keeping you alive + healthy (hopefully). It’s interesting that so many doctors aren’t practicing in a world that’s holistic. Of course if our gut is outta whack, our fertility is off. Of course if we have inflammation our fertility is less than ideal.

Fertility isn’t separate from the body or mind. If your mental state or physical state isn’t optimized your fertility suffers as does everything else.

While every cell in the body is important, there are four factors to pay special attention when priming for pregnancy: mental health, womb health, egg health + sperm health are the key drivers. While this is a very very condensed lesson in fertility factors, it’s helpful to know what to pay attention to.

To get a jump-start on optimizing your fertility grab your free guide to Demystify Infertility, so it’s not a factor for you. With the guide, you’ll get a peek behind the curtain at what doctors aren’t sharing when it comes to how YOU can directly boost your fertility with small everyday changes.

To better understand your egg health - seek a simple fertility test that will shed light on your overall fertility health - like the number of eggs + the quality of your eggs. Have your partner (or sperm donor) do the same. How many sperm are swimming (and more importantly, in the right direction)? How many look like healthy viable options?

Remember, we are 46 chromosomes; 23 from the egg and 23 from the sperm. You’re both playing a major role in the health + overall outcome of your baby. What’s it worth to know you’ve done everything you can to give your baby every opportunity to thrive?

One major misconception is when to test your fertility. Fertility specialists are infamously known for telling patients to wait an entire year of unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy before testing. Whyyy? Why wait an entire year before even knowing what you might be up against?

Grab a test sooner than later. I’m a big fan of Modern Health Fertility and their straight-forward at-home testing options. You can score $10 off or more by using this link. For the man in your life, check out the progressive company, Dadi for his at-home test. Use code: WELLTHIER for additional savings at checkout.

Don’t leave without snagging your FREE GUIDE to demystify your fertility, so infertility isn’t a factor for you. Gain insight to the fertility hacks your doctor isn’t telling you right now.

P.S. - We’re wrapping up our digital course, that’s been in the works for nearly two years. It’s due to launch this fall.

HOWEVER, before we launch I wanna make sure we don’t forget anything. So this is where you come in. Please take a moment to answer the question below.

What two questions do you have about fertility? Drop your q’s in the comments please.

Thank you sooo very much for your contribution to making this course exactly what people need when it comes to optimizing their mind + body for a fertile life and a healthy baby.