5 Major Reasons to Get Up + Move Right Now...

There are endless positives to movement. Some of my favorite, I’ve shared below. There’s no one perfect workout, either. We need a healthy mix of moderate movement in our week ranging from resistance, aerobic and flexibility work

A Natural Antidepressant

Improve Cognitive Function + Memory

Better Sleep

  • Regular Movement improves consistent quality sleep -Including improvements in insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea.

Lower Your Risk Life Threatening Illnesses

  • By getting moving you reduce symptoms + lower your risk for chronic illnesses like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancers, complications in pregnancy/fertility + Alzheimer’s disease.

Better Sex

  • Through resistance training you’ll increase your testosterone which is needed in all of us to increase sex drive.

Here’s a quick list of a Few more reasons to get moving:

  • relieve stress

  • tap into creativity

  • feel happier

  • strengthen your bones

  • look + feel younger

  • more energy

So let’s get moving! What are you waiting for?