With sugar being one of the main culprits in disrupting our health + playing a big hand in causing diseases like cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimers, sugar should be avoided as much as possible. (I know I’m a buzz kill to some, but if you’re still having desserts on the regular, let’s think twice about what it’s doing to your brain and overall health. How’s it make you feel 30 min later?)
Caution, this is about to get real.
70% of deaths worldwide come from diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
Sugar also suppresses your immune system making it critical to stay strong during flu season to avoid sugar overloads. The tricky thing is, we often don’t even know the names that sugar goes by today. Sugar has over 60+ aliases’ that it can be labeled as on the back of your packaged food.
Did you know…
Products often include multiple sugars with clever little names we don’t know to make you believe the product has less sugar than it actually does?
The majority of processed and packaged foods have several types of sugars in the product, but break up the quantity of any one specific sugar to lessen the appearance of the concentration. This is the big trick they pull. But, why? Because ingredients are listed from most concentrated to least, so if you identify say, “brown sugar” closer to the bottom of the ingredient list, you’ll feel as though there isn’t that much sugar in the product.
Ok, go ahead - download the list here. Educate yourself. Print it. Take it to the store. Hang it in your pantry. All I ask, is that we can all just start paying attention and caring more about the ingredients in our food. If we all start paying more attention and making better decisions while grocery shopping, we can start to elevate our brain health and start killing off cancer cells in our body by incorporating more healthy whole food options on our plates.
Got Sugar Lying Around At Home?
Rather than toss it out, repurpose it for some self-care.
Take equal parts sugar to your favorite body oil (jojoba, coconut, or almond work great) and sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil or another calming essential oil to make the world’s best body exfoliator and scrub! You can also mix sugar and oil for a sweet face exfoliator.
Grab your free download here, to know all the names sugar likes to be called.
Make your own body scrub with raw sugar. :) It’s the cheapest full body self-care you can do, tonight.
Get the full list of all hidden names for sugar.
Download Your FREE “Hidden Names for Sugar” List, here so you’re never wondering about the contents of your food again.
My goal in sharing this is to empower you. Knowledge is power, but only if you put it into action. Download, read it over, and keep it handy to check your food labels at home and at the store. If you want to know more ways you can take control over your health, sign up for the wellthier newsletter, here.
With love + gratitude,