Got'a Gut Feelin'?

 If you’ve been following along this past month, you’ve already discovered all the benefits of RED, ORANGE + YELLOW for your gut, immunity, brain + overall wellbeing. 

Dr. Minich is breaking down the next color in the rainbow, GREEN

Green = LOVE. 

Our heart is in balance when we consume the right GREEN foods. And who doesn’t want that??! 

Did you know… the magnetic field of the heart is around 5,000 times stronger than that produced by the brain and can be measured several feet away from the body? 

Ever walk into a meeting and felt a sudden shot of anxiety running through your chest before anyone says a word? Or before shaking hands with someone you’ve gotten a “vibe” about them as you enter the room? 

Dr. Minich says, “Your heart allows you to ‘feel’ situations without the need for any words or actions. Most people believe it’s the brain that gives us our sense of perception. However, emerging research is revealing that the heart’s ability has been grossly underestimated.” 

The ROOT, FLOW, and FIRE systems revolve around the macronutrient universe of protein, fat, and carbohydrate. However, there are some nutrients that never get to take center stage, yet they can be as important. There’re called PHYTOCHEMICALS or phytonutrients (phyto- is the Greek root for “plant”). 

These tiny pigments + compounds impart color and protection to plants, and bring health to us humans! 

There are several thousand of them in our food supply today and their effects have significant potential. With its strong connection to nature and plants, the LOVE system is represented by vegetables and their respective phyto- compounds: phytochemical, phytoestrogens, phytosterols. 

Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts are especially balancing for the LOVE system. These vegetables share a common stinky, sulfur smell indicating that they are effective at guarding the body from toxins. (Yay stinky foods!!

NOTICE your reaction to green vegetables. It’ll provide a little insight of what’s happening within your LOVE system (on a symbolic level).

Here are Dr. Minich’s picks of cruciferous vegetables that help nourish the LOVE system: 

  • Arugula

  • Bok choy 

  • Broccoflower

  • Broccoli 

  • Brussel sprouts 

  • Cabbage (green, red)

  • Cauliflower 

  • Chinese cabbage

  • Collard greens 

  • Daikon

  • Horseradish 

  • Kale 

  • Mustard greens

  • Napa cabbage

  • Wasabi 

  • Watercress 

Fruits + Legumes: 

  • Avocado

  • Green grapes

  • Honeydew melon

  • Kiwi

  • Pear

Legumes that contribute to the balance of LOVE:

  • Green beans

  • Green Northern beans

  • Green split peas 

  • Soybeans (edamame)


The Heart Salad: 

1 bag of fresh organic spinach leaves (10+ oz) 

1 ripe avocado, diced 

1 c. Broccoli sprouts 

1 tsp. Fresh dill

1/2 c strawberries (sliced in half) 

1/2 c toasted slivered almonds 


1/4 c flaxseed oil

1/4 c EVOO

1/4 c balsamic vinegar 

I hope you’ll start to notice the colors on your plate + make it fun to incorporate more fresh vegetables + fruits that benefit your mind, body + soul. 🌈

Friends don’t let friends miss out on LOVE, so share with someone you care about. :)

With LOVE + gratitude,
