
My Nine "Must Haves" Before Bringing Home Baby

When I found out I was pregnant my mind was reeling thinking of all the things I needed to buy when my experienced mom-friend, Julie, text "You don't need much. Just lots love and diapers". That one piece of advice let me take my first deep breath since the big surprise news. There are only nine things that you MUST HAVE in your house before the baby comes home, so stop stressing about the nursery that baby wont be sleeping in for months to come and make sure you have the following non-negotiables ready to go for day one.

  1. Food: basics in the fridge/pantry. For me it was almond milk, bananas, frozen berries, spinach, protein bars, oats, and other odds-and-ins to make nutrient packed smoothies, healthy snacks and meals. You're going to need to up those calories to recover faster and to produce milk, not to mention you'll probably be starving! 
  2. Bottles of water. I know it's not eco friendly, but I can't explain the dehydration you will feel after child birth and it multiplies each time you breastfeed, so keep a few bottles around and in arm's reach. Not to mention water is going to help your body produce milk and heal quicker. Do whatever you need to do to keep water handy. 
  3. Maxi pads. Ask your nurse for these before you leave the hospital. They will help you stock up on what you need so you don't have to worry about running out to the store for these.
  4. Mother's Nipple Cream. My friends swore by this and boy were they all right! It's safe for baby so no need to wipe it off before you feed. This brand worked best! Trust me, the pain your nipples are about to feel is like nothing you are ready for.
  5. Baby Journal (or pad of paper). You may want to start documenting poops, pees and feedings right away so you can start to understand your baby. *Bring this with you to the hospital. It helped us feel like we were more in control (ha) of our new little baby. The nurses and doctors kept asking how many poops and pees when they came in and trust me, when you're running on no sleep, and lots of baby cries (and maybe mommy cries), it's good to have it written down.
  6. Diapers. Get a few different sizes. Don't worry you will use them up quickly, with the average baby running through 10 a day. We swear by Pampers, but I hear lots of good things about other brands.
  7. A changing pad. Don't worry about a full blown table. All you need is a wipeable changing pad to throw down on the bed or counter, or even floor once you are more mobile. If you've had a c-section, you wont be changing many diapers the first week since it's your main focus is to heal yourself and stay cozy on the couch bonding with your baby.
  8. Wet Wipes. Stay away from the chemical wipes. All you need is a clean water wipe for your newborn.
  9. A Rock 'n Play Sleeper . Yes, this may seem "janky" but it saved our lives! No baby wants to sleep flat, and most all moms I know swear by this for the first few months. Thank you rock n play! You saved us those first 2 months.

And these are the bare bones to help you transition smoothly and heal quicker once you are home. 

Love, Laura