life hack

Top 3 Hacks for a Smooth Transition Back to Work After Maternity Leave

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It's totally normal to have mixed feelings about going back to work, even though it may not be all roses at home with the little one. You're most likely going feel that cliche (but so real) #momguilt. The last thing you need is #momguilt on top of a stressful first week back into the swing of things at the office.  

Here are my top 3 tips for a smooth transition: 

1. Start on a Wednesday or better yet, Thursday. You've had some time away from the corporate grind and it's not to be taken lightly. Start slow to ease back in. Be gentle with yourself. 

2. If it makes sense for you, pop in before your first day. It's going to be overwhelming with the questions about how you're doing. "Is it hard being away from .." "OMG you're back! blah blah blah" While all of the sentiments are sweet, it can be distracting and emotional for you. I suggest popping in at the end of a work day maybe a week or so before your official first day to get reacquainted. Maybe even grab lunch with your core friends at work. 

3. Confirm that HR has everything ready for you. - your workspace is up and running and your "mother's room" has everything you need (comfortable seating, fridge, sink, privacy!). We can't have you feeling frazzled about where to pump at work! 

Bonus Tip! 4. Leave a backup shirt & a blanket in your desk! - You need conveniences that you're used to at home in case you spill/leak milk. And a blanket, well that's just good sense.

Want to know more useful tips to make the transition super easy? Or know someone going back to work from leave? Learn more about transitioning back to the office, by clicking below. 

How Do You Hygge?

Hygge has gained recent traction in America with countless articles, news reports, books and people on a quest to define and replicate this Danish way of living that has been around for hundreds of years, first being written about in the 19th century. 

Did you know International Hygge day is March 1?! 

The basics:

It's pronounced "hue-ga" or "hoo-ga". There is no direct translation, but it's loosely translated to mean cozy with a sense of wellness. What could be better?! 

The Little Book of Hygge, by Meik Wiking, the CEO of the Happiness Research Center in Copenhagen shares the history, rituals and ways we can all be a little more hyggelig. After all, who else should we be taking lessons from on wellbeing than the Danes, where year after year they're considered the happiest country in the world. 

I wanted to share a snapshot of hygge because there is a direct correlation between coziness and self care. Stress reduction, relaxation and overall wellbeing all promote health, happiness and fulfillment. The fact that hygge is becoming such a trend could do wonders for our mental and physical health by creating a greater appreciation for what we have, our community, our homes, and the every day joys in life.

Even just small moments of appreciation and happiness in the day can have big results when it comes to reducing stress and giving us a greater sense of appreciation. No wonder the Danes are so happy. (It could also be the free health care, year long maternity and paternity leave and free college for everyone). Let's see if we can all be a little more hyggelig in our day to enjoy the trickle down benefits of coziness. 

Hygge isn't necessarily something you can touch and see, it's the atmosphere of intimacy that you create to make life a little sweeter. Hygge could be taking just five minutes to slow down and enjoy the little things. 

The next time you grab a coffee or hot tea on the go, take a minute to enjoy it - the smell, the taste and the luxury of being able to enjoy such a treat. Better yet, make it at home and spend five minutes curled up sipping while enjoying something on TV or reading a good book. You know what elements make you coziest, so do that. :) 

Hygge often involves more than just you, much like happiness. We crave the connection and relationships to thrive in life. Invite a few people over the next time you want to lounge on the couch in comfy clothes. You can all appreciate the art of doing nothing, together. Other effortless ways to incorporate friends/family to share the hygge love is to invite them to play games, split a tasty pastry, or cuddle up to watch a movie. 

How do you hygge? We'd love to hear from you for more hygge inspiration. 

See a few of my favorite pages from The Little Book of Hygge, below

Hygge Manifesto

Hygge Manifesto

Hygge Wishlist

Hygge Wishlist